Aug 4 Aug 18 Oct 10 9/14/11
Boobs 51 48.5 47 44
waist 43 40.5 39 36
hips 60 59 56 52
left arm 16 16 15.5 14
rt arm 16.75 16.5 16 15
left thigh 35 35 32 30
rt thigh 35 35 32 30
lt calf 18 17.5 17 16
rt calf 17.5 17 17 16
weight 297 287 272 243
bmi 46.5 44.9 42.6 38.1
10/10/10 To date, I have lost a total of 20.75 inches and this has been with minimal exercise.
9/14/11 I am down a total of 39.25 inches since the start of my weight loss journey.